Pyrophonic Ensemble

listen to the fire
Fire offers a wide range of possibilities that can be used to play music …
The most obvious is the sound of explosions … which are manly the base for the rhythmic department called Pyrocussion.
Than there are all those resonating flames in different steel tubes and also the sizzling sounds of different flamethrowers are used during the show.
The most obvious is the sound of explosions … which are manly the base for the rhythmic department called Pyrocussion.
Than there are all those resonating flames in different steel tubes and also the sizzling sounds of different flamethrowers are used during the show.
Pyrophonic History
The Pyrophonic Ensemble was founded by the “chemo acoustic engineer” Bastiaan Maris and his colleague the “pyromantic arsonist” Eddie Egal 2001 in Berlin.
Both where working with fire for decades when they found out that they have a burning interest in “Fire music”
Bastiaan had already created the “Large hot pipe organ” and several other chemo acoustic art pieces.
Eddie had worked as the flamethrower specialist for the Fire Circus D.N.T.T.
Bastiaan had already created the “Large hot pipe organ” and several other chemo acoustic art pieces.
Eddie had worked as the flamethrower specialist for the Fire Circus D.N.T.T.
They began to build fire-machines for the pyrophonic ensemble with the special purpose to create sounds.
A few month later there was a little orchestra of flame machines that produced different sounds.
Together with Jeff Funt on the Bow Chime the ensemble was ready to play and create impressive burning sound sculptures.
Inspired by inventions like Goethes chemical Harmonica or Trimpins Fire organ
the Pyrophonic Ensemble dedicates their fire to the music .
We played it first time at the new Prometheans festival 2002 in Seattle together with Kain Karawahn and many others in an opera tributed to Jimmi Hendrix.
Since than the orchestra grew and has today around 40 instruments and plays with several guest musicians.
Hot Hot Hot
and now ...
we hope that you enjoyed our little website ...
and maybe you saw that the Pyrophonic Ensemble
is just the right thing for your event
so , dont hesitat to contact us and we will get asap back to you .
until than -
Burn on - not out !!!